2011年11月23日 星期三

User Generated Digital Media

“Leave Brittany Alone” Blog Questions:

a) How many viewers are estimated to have watched the you tube video?
-more than 40000000 viewers

b) How would you rate the video?
-I will rate for dislike.

c) Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically e.g. camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?
-NO,I don't think it is of high qulity video in such aspects. On the contrary,it seems that the video was taken by simple equitments. And whether any skills used in taking it is not the important point when we watch and consider this video.

d) Does it raise interesting socio-cultural issues?
-Yes. It makes us know that the huge influence of the Internet. When we upload or share anything on the Internet,it's probable that our sharing will draw a lot of attention from others all around the world immediately.

e) Do you think deserved the attention that it received from the Internet community?
-No. In my opinion,the reason of receiving the attention is the exaggerated way of expressing his feeling about his idol in the video such as crying and shouting. However,it is a fact that there aren't any obvious aesthetical or ethical value in this video.

d) Briefly describe the video.
-A man who is called Chris Crocker,supported his idol Britney Spears and criticized someone defamed his idol such as Perez Hilton and Simon Cowell.

e) Find at least one interesting video, based on Crocker’s or Bus Uncle, and upload it to your blog.

f) Report some positive and negative comments about this new ability for computer users to make and widely distribute and respond to online films (such as the above three videos). (eg see Leadbeater, We-think, xviii; Burgess and Green, Youtube, Cambridge: Polity, 2009, 10…, 21-30).

-Positive:There will be more chance for people to express their feeling. And some talent people can share their works or show their performance for others freely throught such convenient platform including Youtube,Youku and Tudou. Viewers can also respond to the video immediately they have watched, which offer some valuable opinion from others.

-Negative:Personal privacy will be easier to be violated because of the convenient sharing function of the Internet. It should be cautious that some sensitive information may be revealed throught the clips on the Internet.

