2011年11月8日 星期二

Digital photography

Differences between analog photography and digital photography.
analog photography:
The quality of analog photography is better than digital photography such as the quality of detail and the ability to capture colour. However,the cost of taking photo with film cameras is quite high since you need to buy films before taking photo regularly. And some time is necessary  for pocessing the photo and you can't get the immediate feedback with film cameras.
digiatal photography:
As opposed to analog photography,digitalgral photography has less quality but more quantity as long as you have enough memory in your cameras. It is easy to preview and delete any photography in the cameras you don't like. And digital cameras are more expensive but using it to take photos is cost-free because of memory cards.

What use is digital technology to photographers?
Photographers can edit the photo easily with some softwares on the omputer such as PhotoShop,the most popular image editing softwares. Using those softwares,  photographers can change the colour,light and the composition of the photo to make the photo more  sharp and attractive.
Also,photographers can use any tools from PhotoShop to beautify the models in their photo. For example,removing the blemishes and whitening the face. And some even may completely add or remove somethings to create the illusion to cheat others.

Is photographic truth at an end? Has it every existed?
Although it can't be denied that there are any photo never modified in the world,photography isn't the truth at an end. Beacuase of the digital technology and the intention of photographers,photography may be modified and never reflect the truth. For example, photographers may take any photo from some special angle,making the target seems bigger or amazing. Moreover,in order to increase the benefits,most people tend to use digital technology to make their products or models shown in photo more beautify and perfect to attract the viewers.Therefore,photography never equal to the truth.

