2011年11月23日 星期三

Presentation:The computer-generated imagery and the film of Final Fantasy

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User Generated Digital Media

“Leave Brittany Alone” Blog Questions:

a) How many viewers are estimated to have watched the you tube video?
-more than 40000000 viewers

b) How would you rate the video?
-I will rate for dislike.

c) Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically e.g. camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?
-NO,I don't think it is of high qulity video in such aspects. On the contrary,it seems that the video was taken by simple equitments. And whether any skills used in taking it is not the important point when we watch and consider this video.

d) Does it raise interesting socio-cultural issues?
-Yes. It makes us know that the huge influence of the Internet. When we upload or share anything on the Internet,it's probable that our sharing will draw a lot of attention from others all around the world immediately.

e) Do you think deserved the attention that it received from the Internet community?
-No. In my opinion,the reason of receiving the attention is the exaggerated way of expressing his feeling about his idol in the video such as crying and shouting. However,it is a fact that there aren't any obvious aesthetical or ethical value in this video.

d) Briefly describe the video.
-A man who is called Chris Crocker,supported his idol Britney Spears and criticized someone defamed his idol such as Perez Hilton and Simon Cowell.

e) Find at least one interesting video, based on Crocker’s or Bus Uncle, and upload it to your blog.

f) Report some positive and negative comments about this new ability for computer users to make and widely distribute and respond to online films (such as the above three videos). (eg see Leadbeater, We-think, xviii; Burgess and Green, Youtube, Cambridge: Polity, 2009, 10…, 21-30).

-Positive:There will be more chance for people to express their feeling. And some talent people can share their works or show their performance for others freely throught such convenient platform including Youtube,Youku and Tudou. Viewers can also respond to the video immediately they have watched, which offer some valuable opinion from others.

-Negative:Personal privacy will be easier to be violated because of the convenient sharing function of the Internet. It should be cautious that some sensitive information may be revealed throught the clips on the Internet.

2011年11月9日 星期三

Social Networking and Online Identities

Interview classmates:
-How many online identities do you have? What are they like?
-In what ways are they different to your “in person” identities?
No difference.

What are some benefits of expressing one’s identity online?

-It is more free and easier to express our feeling which can't be revealed in the reality.
Because of the new identify,we never worry about the secret disclosed by others especially someone know us in the reality.We can act as what we want and follow our inner mind to play the role that is different to what we showed in the reality before.
-It is the good way to meet some friends who have the related interests with us.
We can have more than 1 identities online at the same time,which means the different groups of friends we can meet with our identities. For example, we create the academic identities for the peers and schoolmates while we possess the entertaining identities for our online friends or any particular enthusiasts.

What are some risks?

-The risk may be losing some personal information. It is inevitable that someone may guess our real identities and find out more information throught the information available online or even sometime what we ever expressed with our online identities. The Internet is so convenient that we only need to type any key words with search engines, a lot of results about the key words will be shown immediately.
-We may be cheated by someone with fake identity online easily. This is because we never know his/her real identity when we make a new friend online. All of the information about him/her,which just be told by himself/herself, can be fake such as the name,age,education,appearance or the marriage status etc.

Internet and Media

         What is the primary source of news for you?

The primary source of news for me is the Online News. It is becausee my homepage of my explorer is the website of Yahoo Hong Kong. Then when I access to the Internet every day, I will firstly check the news shown in the website. And I make it a habit to be the way of aquiring the basic information such as what happened in Hong Kong. 

         Do you think that ‘mass media’ will some day be totally replaced by digital media / internet?

Yes, I do think so. Nowadays, there are more and more people using mobile phone,laptop or other digital media to get the latest news everytime everywhere especially the youngsters and office workers. It is obvious that using the digital media and Internet is more convenient than mass media. As opposed to mass media, we not only don't need to buy any newspapers,television or radio,but also never spent time to wait for the broadcast because we can save the webpages on the Internet as the bookmark for viewing everytime and revision in the future.
 Also,using digital media is cost-less since most things shared on the Internet is free and there is no limits of units or time when we access to the Internet because of wifi available in many places and the monthly plan of the payment provided. Therefore,it is probable that as time goes on,mass media will be replaced by digital media when all people enjoy the convenience of using digital media or the new generation dominate society in the future.

2011年11月8日 星期二

Digital Knowledge Sharing

(1) What is a brief history of the encyclopedia?
-Pliny the Elder:A Roman statesman compiled a work of 37 chapters covering natural history, art and architecture, medicine, geography, geology and all aspects of the world around him.

-Middle Ages:The work De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae  ("The wedding of Mercury and Philologia") written by Martianus Capella (4th-5th century),which consists in a complete encyclopedia of classical erudition,firstly introduced the division and classification of the seven liberal arts. And the first Christian encyclopedia were the Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum of Cassiodorus (543-560).

-17th–19th centuries:The beginnings of the modern idea of the general-purpose, widely distributed printed encyclopedia precede the 18th century encyclopedists.

-20th century:
Early-Popular and affordable encyclopaedias such as Harmsworth's Universal Encyclopaedia and the Children's Encyclopaedia appeared. 
Middle-Several encyclopedias,which were notable for synthesizing important topics in specific fields,were released, often by means of new works authored by significant researchers.
Late-encyclopedias were being published on CD-ROMs for use with personal computers.

-21st century:
The encyclopedia's hierarchical structure and evolving nature is particularly adaptable to a digital format
-Disk-based (  DVD-ROM or CD-ROM format)
-Media ( animation , audio and video )

(2) What are some key features of that encyclopedia?
 (a)according to Wikipedia
-multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project
-written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers who write without pay
- continually created and updated, with articles on historic events appearing within minutes, rather than months or years.

(b)according to Encyclopedia Brittannica4

-general knowledge English-language encyclopaedia
-available in print, as a DVD, and on the Internet
-about 100 full-time editors and 15th edition
-continuous revision:continually reprinted and every article updated on a schedule

(3)Which encyclopedia was most useful for this research?
In my opinion,Wikipedia is more useful for me to do any research. This is becuae it is easy and quick to access to the informatiion by tying the key words with the krybroad in the Interent. And there are a lot of versions of languages for our convenience. Some key term in the article even affix with the link,which provides convenience for us to easily understand and find out the further infotmation. Besides,the quality of information on the websites is trustable because of the control of the team in Wikiped

(4) Can you trust this encyclopedia (the one you used) 100%? Why or why not?
No. I can't trust Wikipedia 100% although I believe so far it is the most useful encyclopedia for me. However,It is impossible that all things written on Wikipedia is truth when the autors are lots of anonymous Internet volunteers even some of them are professional people. Or we can say that Everyone makes mistakes. Therefore,100%truth is not existed until now but we can try to refer to it and then find out the more trustable answers with our understanding and contemplation.

Digital photography

Differences between analog photography and digital photography.
analog photography:
The quality of analog photography is better than digital photography such as the quality of detail and the ability to capture colour. However,the cost of taking photo with film cameras is quite high since you need to buy films before taking photo regularly. And some time is necessary  for pocessing the photo and you can't get the immediate feedback with film cameras.
digiatal photography:
As opposed to analog photography,digitalgral photography has less quality but more quantity as long as you have enough memory in your cameras. It is easy to preview and delete any photography in the cameras you don't like. And digital cameras are more expensive but using it to take photos is cost-free because of memory cards.

What use is digital technology to photographers?
Photographers can edit the photo easily with some softwares on the omputer such as PhotoShop,the most popular image editing softwares. Using those softwares,  photographers can change the colour,light and the composition of the photo to make the photo more  sharp and attractive.
Also,photographers can use any tools from PhotoShop to beautify the models in their photo. For example,removing the blemishes and whitening the face. And some even may completely add or remove somethings to create the illusion to cheat others.

Is photographic truth at an end? Has it every existed?
Although it can't be denied that there are any photo never modified in the world,photography isn't the truth at an end. Beacuase of the digital technology and the intention of photographers,photography may be modified and never reflect the truth. For example, photographers may take any photo from some special angle,making the target seems bigger or amazing. Moreover,in order to increase the benefits,most people tend to use digital technology to make their products or models shown in photo more beautify and perfect to attract the viewers.Therefore,photography never equal to the truth.