2011年9月7日 星期三

The self-introduction

My name is Macy Ma who is a Visual Studied Student. I was admitted to Lingnan University last year. Now I am a Year 2 student.
I love my course because it is creative and inspiring. Also, I have a lot of hobbies such as listening  to music,reading novels,watching movies whether documentary films or horror films,which may be a bit related to the course.
Besides,the aim of making the blog is to share all of my feelings and reflection of what I have learnt in Digital Media class.
Therefore, my blog is expected to focus on any discusssion and views about visual cultuer in the form of digital media.
However,because of the time limitation, the design of the blog is not beautiful enough and the content is not very rich but I will try to fill my blog with more detailed design and meaningful entries in the future.

(The source:http://rudolfherczog.deviantart.com/art/Future-World-2-37872318)

