2011年9月21日 星期三

Mission to Earth

(a)Digital cinema  are different to the traditional cinema. First,they are produced with softwares totally by the autors. The software generates variable screen layouts and chooses different things from databases to display in each frames to tell the story or theme. The story relys on the main video,motion graphics,sounds in different frames at the same time. But the traditional cinema often use only one video which including the characters,plots,dialogue to represent the story.

Second,the sequences of media elements from the digital cinema can be changable. And the change follows the rule defined by the autor. That means you may find a new picture of the story constructed by different media elements when you watch the cinema for the second time. On the other hand,the sequences of  video deisplay of tradition cinema are fixed . And there is only one story in each movie which has already planed by the autor in tradition cinema.

Third,there is no dialogue in the digital cinema. The story is only told by the voice over.However,there are a lot of dialogues shown in tradition cinema. And we often understand the story through the dialogues of the characters.

Digital cinema is constructrd by different media elements such as video,motion graphics and sounds. And all of such media element is arranged by softwares.But tradition cinema show the story for audience by video only.Instead of softwares, the development of story is decided by film maker in tradition cinema.

(b)This film reminds me the eletronic comic,which is also drawn in a lot of frames. And all of the pictures in the frame tell us the story through seeing them in the computer,just like the different media elements showing in frames in digital cinema.

(c)This medium can encourage film makers be more creative because they can make the film to tell the story  throuh a few versions(not just one version),depending on the rules defined by autor. Also,audience can understand the film by their own perception when watching the film.

